And now...about something lighter (I'm taking a reverse cue here from someone :P)
After reading a review of Parachutes yesterday in t2 by Neel Adhikary,I suddenly catapulted back to those days when I was in school. Parachutes and most obviously,Coldplay,was my first love as far as rock music was concerned. They were my first discovery.
Parachutes is one unforgettable album. The sound (which I'll call pure genius in any given point of my life) is mesmerizing,fresh and so full of thought and beauty. I connect with this album a lot. From rude riffs to piano riffs that still give me goosebumps,Chris Martin's voice rises above all of it. Parachutes is all about contemplation...thinking back about all that you've done and all that you shouldn't have. It also portrays love in a very different manner. Love that can never be confessed,but haunts your mind. Never willing to bother (or stalk :P :P) but always there with its undoubted presence.When I say this, I admit the hit track "Yellow" is a sheer contrast to the other songs in the album. Chris is good at simple lyrics like the ones in "Yellow" and "Green eyes" (from the album A Rush Of Blood To the Head) which make love look so simple,so pure and so beautifully captivating.
Although I equally favour each and every track on the album that gives goosebumps,brings tears and yet remains vague most of the time, my special favourites from this album are "Spies" and "Trouble", with the 46 second track "Parachutes" remaining that brilliantly peaceful and eluding track coming a close second. This sure is a must-have album!!
:P :P
Glad you think this way re!And as for the "reverse cue"...:D
Download kar li hai ji :D
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