Thursday, December 24, 2009

Silver bells

So what's christmas really? I made a plan last night and decided I'd sit down to study full time. But here I am. Reflecting on the year gone by and trying to make my day enjoyable..

I was pining for cake last evening. Turns out there's an excess supply of cake in my house now. Care for what you wish for,my mind tells me.

I have two guitars at my place thanks to two irresponsible boys who left theirs in my car two days back and ran off to guzzle alcohol. Their loss. I sat with one classical guitar. I'm taking a break and typing here while browsing on another tab and bruising my fingers learning chords which I forget the moment I play them once. Tch tch. But I'll do it! Haarrrr!!!!! I'm planning to leave a scar on one of the guitars too :P

Hmm. I'm refelecting now on the year gone by. It wasn't one of the best,really. I've re-learnt one very important lesson: you realise your true strengths in times of distress and realise who're the people who'll really stand by you. I've found out who my people are. Musically, I've learnt a lot. I had my first ever performance at Someplace. Met some amazing people and formed bonds I'll treasure.
While I go back to irritating my dad with my guitar, here are the lyrics of my favourite hymn. Christmas was always about eating cake and watching movies,but 2009 made me see this in a different light...

Amazing grace!
How sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
I was once lost
but now am found
was blind,but now I see!

'Twas grace that taught
my heart to fear
and grace my fears relieved;
how precious did that grace appear
the hour I first believed.

Merry Christmas everyone!

P.S. I saw the new followers on my blog just this morning. Thanks everyone for commenting too:) I'm feeling encouraged :D


ANC said...

Reflecting on times gone by is cool. Perfect timing too :)

Best wishes for the new year!

Priyanshi said...

@Absolutely: To you too! :)

Sayak Shome said...

I echo your thoughts. The last year was somewhat similar for me.

Keep Writing.


Priyanshi said...

Thanks Sayak.

And you keep reading :)

Sayak Shome said...

That I will! :)